Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble til you Wobble?

I sure did ... did you? We ate Thanksgiving dinner around 12:30 - it is currently 7:15 p.m. and I am still miserably full! Thanksgiving with the in-laws was officially a success! The food was good, the company was good, the nap afterwards was good and looong, and tonight we are going to see Four Christmases. The movie theatre here has one screen called Mugs and Movies and luckily Four Christmases is playing in that theatre - that means the Beau can drink beer so he is equally as excited as I am. The weather is warmer than I would prefer (I am currently sitting on the porch) but that's okay ... we have a fire going in a pit outside so that is nice! A recap of our day -

The Beau was up bright and early frying our turkey. I had never had a fried turkey before and it was delicious!

"Before" Pic ... the Beau and me with his sister and her boyfriend

"After" Pic ... "Girl I think my butt gettin big!"

And like all the fine people of the world, we sat outside and I made s'mores ... like I had any business putting anything else in my mouth!

Happy Thanksgiving to all ... and to all a good night! I hope that you all find some good stuff tomorrow if you brave the crowds. We will be out bright and early!



morewineplease said...

Sounds like an awesome day!
yES! I am getting out at 5AM!! Good luck to you too!

Anonymous said...

Glad it was a success! Good luck tomorrow!

Momma said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Momma said...

Hooray! I am so glad you had a nice day.
Is it safe to assume there was dressing and not stuffing?
There is not a deal on this planet that would make me drag my behind out in the BF mess.
Sorry for the deleted comment, they should have an edit button!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Looks like you guys had a blast!!

Nomers said...

Happy Thanksgiving! You made me jealous...I want a mugs and movies near me!

Elizabeth said...

Happy Thanksgiving! My husband fried a pretty good turkey too! Good luck shopping!!


what a fun way to end the night....with smores!!

amy (metz) walker said...

You are SO cute!

Lorie said...

Smores! FUN! It looks like you had a good time!

Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

Uh-oh, another great blog to add to my addictions! Here by way of McMommy . . . love your blog, and I share your love of s'mores!

LyndsAU said...

Looks like fun LL! :) I can't wait to see 4 Christmases

Well I Do Declare said...

Looks like yall had a great day! Good idea with the smores!

AndreaLeigh said...

Hello from a fellow southern girl! You know, I also stuffed myself silly and then was roused from my turkey stupor to go and roast marshmellows outside. Yum! Nothing better than a chargrilled marshmellow.