Monday, December 1, 2008

Everybody stop what you are doing

and share in my excitement! You are not going to believe it. It just snowed. Here in Georgia. For like 2.2 seconds. You Northern girls probably think I am crazy but snow makes me so happy. I would give anything for a white Christmas. I wish ya'll could see how this little town of mine reacts to a few flurries. It is hilarious. School will shut down for at least 2 days. The line at Publix will be out the door. Ridiculous but I love it! However I don't think I will see anymore "snow" this week. No worries though ... those 6 flakes that I saw made me giddy!

Here are some things you should know:

~My sister-in-law and I got up at the crack of dawn, in the hustle and bustle, on Black Friday .... I came home with a tube of lipstick and a Christmas hand towel. Probably won't do that again.

~On Saturday I went to a couple of local stores and this guy whipped me up the prettiest wreath ever in less than 5 minutes. I should have married a gay man and my house would be gorge!

~The Beau and I got our tree yesterday.

~The stringing of the lights was almost the death of my marriage.

~I broke a $100 ornament in the first 10 seconds of decorating. I started collecting Christopher Radko ornaments when I was in high school - they are pretty but totally not practical.

~I am on a semi-diet (read: not-eat-everything-in-sight-diet) until Christmas. Of course, this diet excludes any Christmas Party or social gathering. It also excludes any treats that people bring to my office or give me as a gift .... simply because I wouldn't want anybodies feeling to get hurt :)

~I just ate a chargrilled chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A and I am still starving ... my body is used to french fries and milkshakes. haha.

~We are having company over tomorrow night so all my decorating has to get done tonight. I will try and share pictures tomorrow.



ashley said...

Oh I know your excitement! It snowed for about 45 minutes in Nashville this morning... and of course it turned to water the second it hit the ground.. but still oh so pretty! :-)

Laurie // 312 Beauty said...

How exciting! I do love the snow. We don't get nearly enough in DC. They freak out here too a bit, very funny.

We went out shopping on Black Friday too. Crazy, but fun. I got a ton of gifts for my nieces and nephews - felt very produtive!

Sandra said...

I like you diet!

Tracy's Porch said...

So exciting about the snow! I would be the same way.

Love your diet plan.

Lindsey said...

I know Publix! I was just down south and saw one, woohoo! And now I know what Chick-Fil-A is but I didn't get to eat there.=(
Yay for the snow, I'm so glad you enjoy it!

Olde Town Style Guide said...

I just love this time of the year! I'm sorry about your ornament...just think of that one as "taking one for the rest of the team!"

You will have to post some tree pictures for us!

New Girl on Post said... snowed there? How crazy!

Isn't it funny how something like stringing Christmas lights can cause an argument? How exciting that your tree is up though!

Whitney said...

Congrats on getting some snow! That is exciting. It snowed for about an hour where I am, too, but it all melted away and I was sad. Maybe we will get a big snow storm SOON!

Blue-Eyed Bride said...

i heard y'all got snow! maybe it'll move on up to south carolina!

my mom collects radko ornaments, too, but i'm still not allowed to touch. :(

Alyssa said...

I'm so happy you got to see snow! 6 flakes is the PERFECT amount! And, your diet sounds fantastic. I think thats something I could handle!!

Rachel said...

I am still hungry too after having one of those chicken sandwiches; maybe because they only have like 260 calories LOL

Hopsy said...

Sorry about the ornamanet breaking, but what fun that it snowed today!!

Anonymous said...

YAY for snow!!! I wish we would get some! Can't wait to see the pictures!

Just Me said...

Isn't that the worst you get all prepared to find some really fantastic deals and then you end up coming home with just a lipstick. Story of my Thanksgiving black friday sales too, the one time in my life where there are actually amazing sales and all I want to do is go home.. How in the world did that happen?

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

That's so funny that GA got snow, because my new state of MA hasn't gotten ANY!!! I keep hearing about all these crazy New England winters, but I'm not sure I believe it :-)

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

I wish it snowed here!!

Julia said...

I totally agree that putting up the first married Christmas tree will about make you get a divorce! that's why i was up at 4:15 to get a new prelit (three pieces that snap together like magic) tree for ---- 25 bucks!! heavenly, and my marriage is so worth 25 bucks!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

The same thing happens here if one little flake falls. Gotta love it!

amy (metz) walker said...

This whole post was Hilarious!!! Especially the stringing Christmas lights one. Ours is packing to move...the boxes come out and so do the boxing gloves! :-)

Anonymous said...

I just went on a "no junk til Christmas" diet. Your diet sounds similar to mine!

morewineplease said...

If you ever have kids... black friday will have more meaning :)

I am on the same diet!

Ashley said...

I am totally with you on the snow. We live in South Louisiana, and I don't think it's snowed here in like 10 years!!!

Posh Peach said...

Hi there! I am from Georgia so I know what you mean about the snow. I used to get so excited when we'd get like one inch of snow :) Now I live in Florida so I appreciate it even more. That's too bad about the ornament!

preppy little dress AKA "PLD" said...

yey for snow! enjoy it while you have it! i remember being stranded in altanta on our way back from spring break b/c of snow! people don't know how ot handle it down there! this was back in '93 or '94? it even snowed in daytona beach, fl which is where we were coming back from - ahhh, snow! isn't it pretty! ha! ha!

Sarah Ring said...

Hooray for snow!

Anonymous said...

I would mail you our snow if I could!