But it ain't been real fun! Ya'll I don't even know where to begin in telling this story. My experience last night was catastrophic-hysteria.
Okay so let me preface by telling you that we live in this gorgeous, antebellum-style, historic home in town that is broken up in to 4 separate apartments. Behind the house are 2 carriage-style apartments. The only terrible thing about our living situation is that we do not have our own washing machine and dryer hook-ups. There is a washing machine and dryer that we can use but we have to share it with the other 5 tenants and you have to walk outside and you have to use quarters and it is just a huge pain. So, basically, I do as little laundry as possible.
The laundry has begun to pile up and I mean really pile up. So the Beau and I decided to go to the laundry mat last night. We just think it is a nice, fun, clean, classy, safe place to spend a Tuesday night. I kid, I kid. It was just the best solution to get all the laundry knocked out as quickly as possible. We pile up our many loads of laundry and get to washing. The machines there are huge and it costs $4.25 just to wash one load - but that is okay because you can wash like triple the clothes. We load up about 5 machines and then realize that one of the machines has a serious malfunction because it is pouring out water. These machines are heavy-duty and once you start them there is no way to stop them until the load is completely finished. So the Beau runs over there to find out that there is something wrong with the door (it is a front-loader) and it will not stay shut unless you push it in. There is a timer on the machine and there was 27 minutes left at this time. I was freaking out asking him if he was going to stand there and push the door closed the entire time. He said that was the only option and, mind you, there is water still pouring out even when he is holding it shut - it was just a lot less than before. There was no attendant at the laundry mat and we could not find a mop or anything to soak up all the water.
It was a huge mess but good thing we were in jovial spirits because we laughed hysterically the entire time! It was all we could do.
The Beau holding the door shut!
Bless his heart!
Still holding it!
Never a dull moment! The funniest part of it was after about 20 minutes of holding that door shut the Beau looked up and said, "Washer was full" like Uncle Eddy on Christmas Vacation. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe!
Just another day in Paradise!
Oh my word, please! Leave a disclaimer like "don't drink anything while reading this!" HA! This was too funny. Sorry about the malfunction, hope you at least got all of your laundry done :)
Hilarious...especially the "washer was full" comment!
This is hysterical! What a great sport he was to hold the door! I am sooo glad you had the camera to take pictures!
OMG! That is too funny!
Totally a misadventure.
hilarious! oh my goodness! the look on the Beau's face is hysterical. and i love the cousin eddie reference!!
HAHAHA! That is too funny, but I'm glad the Beau was willing to hold it that long. What a great husband! We had some interesting experiences with laundry rooms back in the day. I think my favorite thing about our house is having my own washer/dryer!
Oh my gosh...this is hilarious!!! I love the pictures! Poor thing!
seriously hilarious!!! i am so glad you caught this moment on camera!!!!!!!
Ahh...the joys of doing laundry. Clearly it was a sign that you should have just stayed home on the couch with a movie and a pizza :) Of course I can always come up with a reason to avoid laundry...but overflowing washer would be on the top of the list!
that is just TOO funny!
what a way to spend a Tuesday night. :)
hehehe :) too funny. I can picture this all. i would have been rolling on the floor :) ha. at least he was a good sport!
OH HOW FUNNY!!!!! This made me laugh so hard!!!!
That is hilarious! At least your clothes are clean now!
I. can't. type....because I'm LAUGHING so hard!! Hahahahhaha
Don't you love it when life gives you a perfect blogging story? This was so funny!
OMG!! That is hilarious!
Oh my!! Yeah, there's never a dull moment at the laundry mat!
That, my dear, is freaking hilarious. Reminds me of the Sashas during the just-married days....
Bahahahahah!!! LOVE IT! Mr. Beau is too cute holding that door with his life!
I probably would have pissed in my pants from laughing so hard! That is so funny! Great post!
Oh, my! This was funny, although I wouldn't have wanted to be the Beau!!
LOL!!! What a night! Your husband is one awesome dude!
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