Wednesday, December 31, 2008

We are getting crazy tonight, girls.

Welch's Sparkling White Grape Juice is what I picked up last night as my beverage of choice to ring in the new year! You are jealous you aren't gonna be with me tonight, huh. Now I have absolutely nothing against indulging in an adult beverage (and the Beau definitely has nothing against it) but for about a year my body has taken a complete and utter hatred to the slightest bit of alcohol ... I think it might have to do with the medicine I take. But anyhow, it's weird. I couldn't even get down a half a glass of wine the other night at a wedding. So tonight I decided I would take an alternate route but still be able to pop a bottle at midnight :)

I started to regret not making any New Years plans this year but it is probably for the best ... and definitely best for our budget. My number one New Years Resolution is to get 100% out of credit card debt (we are very close) and to start saving like nobodies business. We are starting Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University in January and I am pumped ... I have read some of his books and I listen to him on the radio religiously but I think the class will be great for the Beau and I to do together. My second resolution is to only drink one coke per week ... it sounds easy enough but you people don't know how much I LOVE coke. I love it ... it is a sickness, really! I have a couple of other personal resolutions and I am excited about a new, fresh year. 2008 has been an absolutely great year for me but change is always good and I am looking forward to making some good changes.

So, tonight I think the Beau and I will get take-out, watch some movies, and I will drink my sparkling grape juice at midnight. However, tomorrow I have some real plans. I am going to have some friends over for a late lunch and I have a menu all worked up. This is what we are having:

Pork Tenderloin
Collard Greens
Mixture of black-eyed peas, tomatoes & jalapenos (this sounds gross to me but the Beau loves it)
Macaroni & Cheese
Brown Rice
Home-made Corn Bread
And not sure what for dessert

I think that will be an appropriate New Years Day meal, don't you? Macaroni & Cheese and Brown Rice might be 2 of my favorite side dishes of all time. Want the recipes? Sure you do!

Macaroni & Cheese (Paula Deen's Recipe)

4 cups cooked elbow macaroni
2 cups grated cheddar cheese
3 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup sour cream
4 tablespoons butter, cut into pieces
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk

Cook macaroni and drain. While macaroni is still hot, add cheese. In separate bowl, combine all other ingredients and add to macaroni. Pour mixture into casserole dish and bake at 350 degrees for 30 - 45 minutes.

Brown Rice

1 cup white rice, uncooked
1 can of beef broth
1 can of beef consomme
1 package of Lipton's dry onion soup mix

Combine all ingredients into baking dish. It is going to look like a lot of liquid and not enough rice but don't worry, the rice will absorb all the liquid while baking. Bake at 350 degrees for appx. one hour.

Oh and another question ... am I the only person that has to work today? I will probably be back later because I am bored to tears. Please try and keep me entertained!!!



d.a.r. said...

I haven't been able to drink really since July! There are some days where I want nothing but a cocktail, but as soon as I have one, I get really really sick. It is so strange!

I also am obsessed with Dave Ramsey's books and his website. I truly believe that his way is the best way to get into financial security. Congrats to you two for making the move!!

And the Diet Coke? You are braver than I am! I have like 4 a day!!! Good luck!

Lauren said...

You're certainly not the only one working today---we're closing at 3:00--maybe earlier but that time can't come soon enough!

Good luck with your resolutions & Happy New Year!

Rachel said...

What a great resolution; I wish you all the best.

Crack open that grape juice and enjoy.

I am working today but off til Monday; I am scootin out in a few...I hope you get to do the same!

Happy New Year!

Sarah said...

Yup, I'm working too!
We are also focusing on getting our credit cards paid off this year and saving for a house!!
I feel you on the Coke issue, I am the EXACT same way!! I love some coke!
Happy New Year!!

Sandra said...

Great Plans for 2K9!! Happy New Year!! {the menu sounds perfect!}

Miss Merry said...

nope, i'm working today too. lame!

i have no plans either, other than catching a plane and traveling. not the most fun way to ring in the New Year, let me tell ya.

btw, i LOVE Welch's sparkling grape juice. yum. am also massively addicted to Diet Coke and applaud your effort to give up drinking more than one. Sounds impossible for me, but good luck!

Stephanie said...

What a great resolution!

I listen to Dave Ramsey sometimes, but it is tough because he is on while I am at work.

That macaroni and cheese recipe sounds DIVINE! I am stealing it from you as we speak!

amy (metz) walker said...

I swear, this post could have been written by me! Wish ya'll were in town and we'd be New Years bums together.

We've done/are doing Dave Ramsey and there is an insane peace of mind that comes with having no credit card debt! The day we paid ours off (we had more than one when we got married) was an absolutely amazing moment! Trust me, you are going to love Financial Peace...but its kind hard to be wierd at first!

The adult beverage thing...I had viral arthritis a few years ago and some people get normal right away and some people have the symptoms for 10 years. I apparently am a 10 year-er and alcohol KILLS me now. I can't even have my glass of red wine here and there!

Ok, this is officially too long! And lunch is a definite YES!

Mrs. Realife said...

WOW! Nice to hear there is another woman out there whose body detests alcohol! I used to be able to 'throw down' back in the day and I'd say since I turned 29/30 I can hardly drink a glass of wine --
Enjoy the sparkly stuff ;0)


The Hnou Mrs. said...

Eww, I have to work today too (*&* Friday!!)! Booo!!

One year, I decided to leave pop (or soda if you prefer that) out of my diet FOREVER. SOOOO hard to do!! I haven't had pop in 7 or 8 years now! Maybe a sip here or there, but no pop for the most part-- but I do miss the bubbles! Ohhh the bubbles!!

Chris (my fiance) hates sparkling grape juice, but it was served at a friend's wedding instead of champagne and as we were leaving, Chris whispered to me how much he didn't like it, and as we passed the bride's brother, her brother goes "Hey Chris, there's tons of bottles of sparkling grape juice left, come get some!" and being the gentleman that Chris is, his response? He eyed me and goes "Oh! Awesome. Alright dude!" and promptly followed while I laughed at him. haha. Hilarious.

Lindsey said...

Sounds like a great way to ring in the NY - snuggled with your hubs! Have a great one!

The Pink Chick said...

I hope you have a very Happy New Year! I have heard about Dave Ramsey, but I have never checked him out! I am totally checking it out! Getting out of debt and controlling my spending is definitely one of my resolutions!!!!

morewineplease said...

ME TOO ME TOO! I am at work today, and glad to be here, I had too much time off!
We did not make major plans for tonight either, and I am totally ok with that.
Enjoy your bubbly!

Anonymous said...

we celebrate with the sparkling grape juice too! and that mac and cheese looks delicious...happy new year!

BAJohnson said...

I had to comment because your post sounds a lot like what my husband and I will be doing tonight. I am making Taco soup and corn bread and plan on staying in my sweats all night. AND I am really, really going to try and only drink a few cokes a week. I am addicted, it's sort of sad! Dave Ramsey is the best. It is the best thing to do for your marriage. We are working on paying 1 small credit card off and it is going to feel great! Good luck.

AndreaLeigh said...

how are you making your pork tenderloin? i have one for tomorrow and have no clue how to cook it.

i use the same recipe for brown rice, expect i add in onions and a bullion cube.

Muffy said...

I'm the same way....liquor makes me ILL these days! Gettin' too old I suppose! HAHAHA! Sounds like you are going to have a WONDERFUL time!

Anonymous said...

Great post!! Dave Ramsey is fabulous...I love him!

Happy New Year, friend!

Elizabeth said...

i love dave ramsey. i went through financial peace a few years ago and it will totally change your way of thinking and your relationship too! it's awesome! i plan on being debt free by february!

Nantucket Karen said...

I love your blog! You have magnificent taste and a GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR!

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Anonymous said...
