Good Morning! I have been out of commission for the past two days but, never fear, I am back!
Yesterday I received a very important piece of mail ... I have been summoned for Jury Duty! I report on January 5th. Now I know that most people dread Jury Duty but I couldn't be any more excited! It probably has something to do with the fact that I am the nosiest. person. EVER. Plus having Jury Duty makes me feel like a real live grown up :)
Go ahead - tell me about your J.D. experiences.
2 days ago
I think you are the first person I've ever heard to enjoy getting Jury Durty! Have fun!
Oh my gosh I am soooo jealous!! I want to get called for jury duty SO badly!! Have fun!!
I have been called 3 times! Once right when I turned 18( I was still high school) and the other 2 both happened during my freshman year of college. I never went due to the fact that I was NOT going to miss class for it - hahaha. I got out of it everytime!
I've never been summoned, but I think my reaction would be similar to yours! My sister was twice, and was picked twice. They were sequestered forever on one of them - I think she went a little crazy, but overall had an interesting experience!
i ahve only been called once when i was 17...they realized their mistake (that i wasn't a legal adult yet) and didn't have to go...good luck!!!
For some reason I also enjoy jury duty... Or I think that I would enjoy being placed on a jury. Good luck.
I got summoned to appear the day I was supposed to move into my college dorm for my freshmen year of college. I panicked. Of course they let me out of it but to an 18 year old packing for college I thought it was the end of the world.
I was summoned a year ago and actually had to show up. It really was't bad. I brought tons of magazines and waited a few hours. We had a long lunch break and then they let us go. I wouldn't want to have to sit on the jury though.
Have a nice weekend!
I've never had to do JD! (knock on wood) I hear it's a real drag, but I think it might be interesting.
I just hope it doesn't interfere with your blogging duties :)
I have never been called, and I hope I don't until I get out of college!
i dont really prefer it but once the process is all done and i get picked, its not too bad. it does watse a lot of time though that i wish i had for other things. i was recently summoned (a few months ago) but i had to postpone it due to my dear dog being very sick. so, i will be heading back in march.... i am also VERY nosey and if its a interesting case, i would like to be picked... you just never know what you'll get! have fun.
fun fun fun! i would love it if i got summoned :) i guess first i need to legally become a resident of our smalltown county uh? :) ha
Ok, I thought only my husband was strange enough to be happy about that! Too funny!
I was THRILLED when I got summoned!!! I didn't get picked though.... :(
Man! I want to be picked for jury duty! You'll have to fill us in on your experience!
Can't wait to hear stories about this! I would love to do JD, but the only time I was summoned was when I was in college, and it was for my hometown :(
Received my first jury summons this year... read Twilight while waiting to "be called" - it was the best three days I have had! :) Take a great book, and ENJOY!
I went to jury duty a couple of months ago. I was nervous to be called, but all I got to do was sit in the big room all day and watch 2 movies on a huge screen with a break for lunch in between! They never got to me although many people were called from the room about every half hour or so. :)
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