Can I get a Hellz Yeah!!!
Today is MONUMENTAL in the life of A Belle and her Beau. As of 8:39 a.m. we are officially 100% out of credit card debt!!!! Hallelujah ... I want to shout from the roof-tops! In all honesty it only took us a couple of months to pay off our credit cards once we really became serious about doing so. But it wasn't easy and it wasn't always fun. Saving money and/or paying off debt is much like dieting, at first it completely blows and you are miserable but after a couple of weeks you begin to get used to it and it becomes second-nature, so to speak. For the first month it definitely sucked to write down every single solitary penny I spent (even if it was just 97 cents on a coke) when I was so used to just running a debit card and trashing the receipt. But when the Beau and I totally grasped the concept of Every Penny, On Paper, On Purpose our spending habits have completely changed.
We are not in the clear yet though. We still have student loans and the Beau's car is not paid off. Before I began Financial Peace University I had the mind-set that student loan debt was "not bad debt" and that everyone had a car payment. Well, if I would have just used a little bit of common sense I would have realized that all debt (minus your home) is bad debt and if you owe $20k on a car, in fact you are in $20k in debt. With lots of prayer to be strong and faithful in paying down our debt we hope to have my student loan paid off by the end of this year and the Beau's loan and car paid in the following 2 years. Again, that will come with lots and lots of prayer.
Proverbs 22:7 says,
"The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."
The bible gives us over 800 scriptures on how God intends us to handle our money ... you can find them here.

I love Dave Ramsey! Congratulations that is quite a feat!
Congratulations! I bet it's a huge weight off your sholders. I'm just start FPU wish me luck!
congrats to yall! that is a huge accomplishment!
YAYAYAYAYAY congrats chica!! I totally hear you about the debt. Although we don't have credit card debt, we definitely have student loan debt from grad school, but like you w are hoping to finish off the last of it within the next few months. once I get out of student loan debt i will shout from the rooftops with you!
Congratulations!!! It feels great doesn't it?! My husband and I are working really hard to be debt free with the exception of our mortgage too and it not always an easy goal... but we're getting there one step at a time :-)
Congratulations!! We are working on being completely out of debt too and you are right, it's tough--but well worth all the "sacrifice".
Oh that is so incredible! What an amazing accomplishment and I just love the way it gives glory to the Lord! We are getting ready to sell my husband's car which will pay it off and give us enough cash to buy something a little older for running around town. Then we are going to start doing the car payments to ourselves to save the cash for a new one in a few years. Great job!
Congratulations!!! That is awesome!! I am almost out of credit card debt and I cannot wait for that day (only a few more months)! Good job!
Congratulations! This is so, so wonderful! I hope I can be saying the same thing soon!
Congratulations! That's awesome for you! I'm lucky that I'm not in debt (except the house), but that's only because my mom always insisted that I not have a credit card. A few months ago the fiance gave me a credit card in my name, but on his credit card account, and said, "This is for emergencies, and since the card is technically in my name, I know you won't use it." And boy he was right. It's good to know I have it for a dire emergency, but I never use it. He has a great philosophy that if you can't pay cash for it (other than a house), then you don't need it. I'm glad he's the financial-savvy one!
Have a great weekend!
Congratulations! Isn't it the most freeing feeling! I am working on my student loans and car as well and CANNOT WAIT to be able to say I'm completely debt free! As Dave says, "Kick the old hag out of the spare bedroom!"
My dh and I are currently attending FPU. We are in week three and we are really enjoying it. We have successfully bugeted before and need to get ourselves back on track again.
Congrats on paying off the CC debt.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I think Dave Ramsey is incredible, if nothing for his honest bluntness and his simple and easy to grasp concepts for getting out of debt and building wealth. That is so awesome you guys are out of debt!
That's great!!!
Congrats! That's got to be a huge weight off your shoulders...way to go you two! I honestly don't have any debt, but could def. take some of those receipt holding/recording tips to heart - I'm not good about that stuff!
congrats!! what a relief. I love the feeling of paying something off. keep up the awesome work :)
Gosh, girl - that was FAST. I'm still working on mine and I took the class a YEAR ago. I think I need to get me some of that 'gazelle intensity."
CONGRATS!!! What a great feeling!
Congratulations, that would be a great feeling! We are still just hoping someone will buy our house, going on 8 months on the market. Yay! for you!
Congratulations!! That is definitely something to celebrate!
I've definitely got the student loan debt as well. It's overwhelming sometimes!
Way to go!! It's a great accomplishment for y'all!
Yee- HAW! That is awesome!! Kudos to you and your hubby.... I'm working on my credit card debt right now too!
I think they should require freshmen in college to take a course on finance and spend a lot of time talking about credit cards- I was clueless and I am paying for it still (8 years later)!!
Wow, great job. Don't you just love Dave?
that's huge!! Congratulations... I feel like hubby and I will be paying student loans FOREVER!
yay :) That's awesome LL!! So proud of yall. I know it's been hard!! I am scared of house debt... and of course I have my student loans!! it's all scary to me :)
That is so AWESOME! Congratulations :-)
Credit cards are from the devil!!! Good for you!!! I heard credit cards are raising rates to like 30-37% because they too are suffering... isnt that crazy! Glad you got out when you did!!!
CONGRATS!!! That is definitely worth shouting from the roof-tops!
Congratulations! That is awesome!!
That is such an accomplishment especially in these tough economic times. Congrats! I'm sure that you've inspired many to do the same.
Yay for you and Beau!! That has to be such a great feeling! I need to learn the "every penny, on paper, on purpose" rule! It is SO east to just swipe and go. But it's definitely worth it. Now you can celebrate this weekend!!
congrats! i bet thats a huge weight off your shoulders!
That is wonderful! Congratulations! I'd love for my husband and I to be completely out of debt...
Congratulations! It is a great feeling and is totally life changing.
Congratulations! It must feel great to not have those cards hanging over your head :)
love the blog!! would you mind shooting me an email with your contact info just had a quick question. many thanks cheers!
Dave Ramsey is sittin' in Tennessee proud as a peacock!!
So -- how will you be destroying your cards?
Yipee!! Proud of you honey:) We're about to get on Dave's band wagon with the dvd you gave me!!!
Wow,, that is awesome! Congrats!
Congratulations! That is definitely something to be proud of!! My hubby and I LOVE finance so I, of coursed, loved this story! I am sure you already knew that, but honestly, congrats!! Keep it up!
Maybe I can get my hubby to feature your story on his personal finance blog?
Congratulations to you!! What a great accomplishment for you!!
Congrats girl, I bet that has to be the best feeling!!!
That is awesome! What a good feeling!!! Cant wait to be able to say that too!
congratulations!! what an awesome feeling :)
Congratulations! That's so huge! Nicely done. Dave would be proud.
Congrats! The hubs and I are trying to pay off my student loans this year too. Any tips and tricks you'd like to share?
oh congratulations!! i am really starting to work towards this (although i wish i had someone like your beau to be my partner in this) because i know how difficult this is to do. you two are to be commended :)
Hell Yeah!
Hopefully we will be following in your footsteps by the end of the year!
I saw your Dave Ramsey thing and had to comment! We love Dave Ramsey. (my husband and I) Isn't being debt free the best!?
Have a fabulous day!!
Cheeeetah!!!! Woo hoo!!! That is awesome! I'm a little late commenting... but just wanted to say congrats! That's incredible. We're getting there too and we most definitely will be shouting from the rooftops when we do.
Just stopping by and saw this wonderful post and wanted to congratulate you and your husband on such a wonderful accomplishment!
I absolutely LOVED this post!!!!
So proud for you!!!
I know that you are a tremendous encouragement to many!
I just found your blog via LyndsAU's site. And, reading this post is SO FAMILIAR to me! I have exactly 25 days until I am 100% debt free...I had back surgery a few years back, and that shot my credit card balances through the roof! On top of that, I had never been the best at budgeting, so it was a big old mess. I've been working to pay everything off for the last several years, and it's a huge struggle. But, it's amazing how second nature it becomes when you draw a line in the sand and stick to your budget, and refuse to use a credit card for anything. Anyway, congratulations on your 25 days, I'll be able to dance around and scream the same thing! ;)
Congratulations! I bet it's a huge weight off your sholders. I'm just start FPU wish me luck!
Work From Home
You’re best! Go!Go!加油
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once I get out of student loan debt i will shout from the rooftops with you!
Work From Home India
Congrats! I am just starting Dave Rasmey. It is going to take a lot of work, but I know I can do it.
So refreshing to hear a young person have this as a goal for their future marriage!! For you and your beau to be "here" before you are even married is HUGE!!!!
Love what you say in your profile. I have loved every minute (well almost) taking care of my men :)
(husband and son) I have had several of my own home businesses (and still do and expanding now m son is at college)to be able to be home, where I am happiest!!! I think you might like my blog. MUCH more to come I am just starting :)
PS Dave Ramsey rocks!
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