2008 ... it's a been a big year for the newlyweds I tell ya! We got married, my baby brother turned 21, my mom turns 50 (this Thursday, actually) and so did my dad, the Beau and I both started new jobs, the Olympics, it's a big election year and the list could go on and on. But this, my friends, is BIG ...
Georgia -vs- Georgia Southern,
Saturday, August 30th at 12:30 p.m.
Sanford Stadium
Only once every 4 years does this happen! Our blood runs red and black and always has. My parents are both originally from Athens and most of our family is still there, my dad played baseball for Georgia in the late seventies and early eighties, we have had the same tailgate spot and seats since I have been in the 5th grade, the best food you have ever been served is at that tailgate, and some of my very best memories have been on Saturdays in Athens, Georgia. But guess what? The Beau, my brother, and myself did not go to the University of Georgia. We went way down south to Georgia Southern University and had the time of our lives! I will admit that in the fall of 2002 I went to my first Georgia Southern football game as a freshman and I cried. Now, the tears may have been induced by a few tailgate beverages but nonetheless, there were tears. My high school football team drew crowds larger than this! Why did my dad say it would be okay to come to school here? It was as hot as blue blazes and nobody even brought any food to the tailgate ... but lots of drinks! I was a little (okay, a lot) distraught. But over the years I really began to appreciate Georgia Southern football and will be excited to one day take my own kids way down south to Statesboro, G-A to experience football at its finest :) So this Saturday, in Athens, I will proudly wear my yellow dress inside Sanford Stadium and cheer on the Georgia Southern Eagles! But, in all honesty, I am relieved that I will not have to do it again until 2012!!!
"I'm gonna say it one more time.
We are Georgia Southern.
Our colors are blue and white.
We call ourselves the Bald Eagles.
We call our offense the Georgia Power Company...
and that's a terrific name for an offense.
Our snap count is "rate, hike".
We practice on the banks of Beautiful Eagle Creek
and that's in Statesboro, Georgia--
the gnat capital of America.
Our weekends begin on Thursday.
The co-eds outnumber the men 3 to 2.
They're all good looking and they're all rich.
And folks, you just can't beat that...
and you just can't beat Georgia Southern.
And you ain't seen nothin yet... "
-Erk Russell, 1989

This was the Beau's cake at our Rehearsal dinner. Cute for an eagle , huh?!?
Have fun! Oh, the cake is so cute!
Good times! Have fun!
Yay for tailgates :) Good food, good company and good drinks :)
New to your blog :) LOVE it! Let me know if you'd like to read mine (I'd need your e-mail address to give you an invite).
Football really isn't my thing...but that cake is really cool looking.
Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks for the blog love!!!!
I don't even know where I came up with the name 902dime but I've used that phrase since middle school and it's just stuck with me :) Thanks for the compliment!!
Love your blog as well (Mrs. Newlywed introduced me to it)!
Thanks for the link to your video! I love love love it!!! You were a beautiful bride! Can you give me the info on that song that was playing?
I just read your post I live about 45 minutes from Athens and can't wait for the season to start!
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