Yep, that's right, I am mad at Target. As most of you probably know, they changed their return policy which is all fine and good. But I registered at Target for my wedding in May and my love for the store steadily began to decline. My registry was never updated so I got many duplicates which again is fine, I would just swap them out ... I could spend hundreds of dollars in Target on any given day. But this is not fine for them! To exchange anything under $30 you must have a receipt. Well I didn't buy these items they were GIFTS! I have been round and round with customer service 3 times in the past 3 months. They could not understand my point and said I should have gift receipts. Oh, I am sorry that my shower invitations didn't go something like this:
Please join us for a Kitchen Shower
honoring Belle and her Beau
and please remember to attach a gift receipt!
I understand that people take advantage of places like Wal-Mart who will take anything back but I think that there should be some kind of exception for people who are registered at the store. It has been extremely frustrating and I would discourage my friends to register there for bridal or baby unless the policy changes. Sad times, huh. Don't worry Tar-jay, I will still spend lots and lots of money that I shouldn't at your store I am sure. I just won't register there when I get married again :) Just kidding!
Sunday we went to Sunday School and Church and then later on that afternoon I went to a Lingerie Shower for one of my friends from work. She is getting married on Saturday and we are so excited for her!
Here's to another week ... let it be a quick one!
Please be a quick week! PLEEEASE! Monday's do suck and Pinapple Express was a let down. Boo!
I am a newlywed and had some of the same problems with my target registry. I wanted to scream at the people behind the counter and tell them it was not my fault if the person didn't give me the gift receipt. I understand if they want to change the return policy for regular customers,but if I am registered there, I think they should have a different policy. I understand your anger, yet I love that store!
Ugh...I wish I could say I'm surprised. I think Target's policies have been going downhill for a while! I didn't register at Target and kind of wished I had, but not anymore!! :) I do love it though and dropped a bundle there on Saturday. haha
I ran into problems a few years ago buying a gift from a registry at Target. They sent me an email six months after I had bought the gift saying the item was no longer available. I felt awful that my friends never received the gift I bought them so when I got married I didn't register at Target and after hearing this I'm glad I didn't.
by the way i have a horror story from returning wedding gifts are target too- it ends with a tearfilled two hour call to customer service and then a call to a talk radio DJ to tell them my experience ( now all of NC know how crappy target's return policy is!) so it's not just you, they are crappy.
Oh, my word! My husband and I have had so many issues with Target's gift registry. Even when we had an invoice from a gift bought online, they sent us out of the line to print out another form for online returns. Crazy!
I found you through Kelly's blog, BTW.
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