When I first started blogging it was sort of a secret. Not a huge secret because my mom knew and after a couple of weeks I told a couple of my close friends. But never in a million years would I go and post my blog address on my facebook page or anything like that. It's just not that kind of blog. Now that I have been blogging for about 6 months more people that I know have come to find out about the blog ... and that is totally fine with me. Many of my friends read it and many family friends read and I like that they find me interesting :) However I don't go around blabbing about having a blog and I get really mad at the Beau when he talks about my blog in front of a large group of people. We were at a wedding shower the other day and a group of us were about to take a picture and he said something like .... I hope you know that all of you are going on the blog. I wanted to punch him because a.) he doesn't even know what I write about because b.) he doesn't even read it! Which, by the way, does not hurt my feelings in the least. Anyways, you get the point ... I don't so much like to talk about my online life offline. haha :)

Oh, I totally understand. For a long time I told no one. And then I went out w/some girlfriends and after 2 glasses of wine "I came out." LOL. Then it traveled by word of mouth. And now, I have no control over it...
At first, only a couple of "real life friends / family" knew about my blog... but now, that number seems to have expanded. I get really annoyed when my husband mentions my blog in conversation with others, because I like to think that I have some control over this thing. Plus, his psycho family now reads it.... and that is never a good thing. Mainly because I can never vent about them.
It's weird. How is it so easy for us to come here and post but so hard to tell people? I do the same thing. I told 2 girlfriends and my mom. That's it. But I secretly want to tell everyone I know. LOL
I know exactly what your talking about! Its like our own little secret world!! I've often thought about sharing it with friends...I just don't think I'm ready yet...but one day I think I will be!
Laying out your personal life so that everyone can see and have their opinions about isn't easy... I love that you "came out" --
Redeeming Love was a life changer for me -- I hope it is for you, too!
oh goodness... i completely understand! our families knew about it and i told a few friends. then my MIL started telling people, so strangers were reading the blog. then i found out that people were googling me by name and found the blog... exboyfriends from high school, acquaintances in town that i don't know very well. i got an email yesterday from someone that i kind of know at work that said, "i've been reading your blog." uh....???????
so i totally know how you feel.
I don't know you, but L.O.V.E. your blog! My hubbie doesn't read mine, but often mentions to others, too, that "they'll end up on the blog"...what is wrong with that anyway?! P.S. You've inspired me to join WWW - I gotta get this baby weight off, it's been almost 5 months now...
only a few real life friends know about me too...i admire you're coming out!!
That's a cute picture :) Most of my friends know about my blog, but they can't read it unless I let them!
congrats! i'm a little private about my blog too! it's kinda nice to discuss your issues and have someone give you an opinion that you don't know!
it's a huge step!
I had my link on my facebook page and then took it off. I kinda enjoy meeting random people and being able to just talk without worrying about hurting anyones feelings. My son did tell my mom about my blog so I know she reads it..my hubby does visit my blog but he would never comment LOL
I wish I had been more in the closet about my blog but I started it to keep long distance family and friends in touch with Ashley. A couple of times I have blogged about personal feelings/subjects and have had them totally taken the wrong way by family and friends and it has caused me a lot of angst. Actuually - one just recently about religion and my spiritual journey/book I read that stirred up feelings from family.
But on the flip side, I love being to stay connected to people.
I completely feel you! I didn't tell my friends, but one of them stumbled upon it because a facebook comment between Erin & me. Then she told everyone, including my boyfriend, who I wasn't exactly hiding it from for any other reason than the fact that he will pick on me relentlessly....and he has. Oh well, right!!
DITTO! I put it on facebook for literally a week and the next thing i know random people either facebook me or email me and ask, "what's your blog's name again? I can't find it?"
I only personally told my best friend and Mr. Mojito....none of mr. mojito's family ormy family knows I have a blog...at least for now...
I love reading other people's blogs and have no problem with that but once I started my own, I thought it was soooo weird to tell everyone!!!
I didn't know some of those people were in your book club :) Fun times. I wish I liked to read! ha!
Glad yall had fun girl!
And i feel you on the whole coming out thing :) It's interesting!
Yes I definitely understand that!! A handful of my good friends read my blog, so does my mom and my husband...but the rest don't even know it exists!
I don't like too many people to know either! I'm always scared they'll leave some comment they think is funny with tons of personal info or something. I guess we are just paranoid! Cute book club!!!
Hahaha I have been there! My dad always talks about it and has got my family reading it, but I'm enjoying that they know now!
I am the same way with mine....I don't really mind if people I know read it or whatever...I have even become a little more open in discussing it with people...but I had the same hesitancy to really put it out there. Why is that, I wonder? Is there some sort of negative social stereotype about blogging that we are sub-consciously tapping into? Hmmm....maybe a post for another day.
I'm the same way. I don't tell people that I blog. My 2 children know, one girlfriend knows, and another couple of people because of one of my posts. I think my friends would think "crazy" if they knew ;-)
My friends still don't know, but my fiance mentions it here and there, I don't think they've picked up on it yet.
I completely understand! I am always embarrassed or afraid to admit it for some reason. Also, I think a book club sounds like so much fun! How did you find yours?
A. Love the blog.
B. Am jealous of your 2.8 billion followers, because I think my mother is my only one. I should improve the quality of my posts.
C. That is a pretty cute picture of all of us!
I completely agree with you about feeling weird about telling people. I feel like people would judge me about it. I recently put my address on my facebook page, but I have thought about taking it down. Blogging is a place to talk about things that interest all of us blogging gals and not be judged by others!
I feel the same way. I've only told my closest friends and the boy. I wish I wasn't so self conscious about it, but It is really hard to come out! haha. :)
I get you! I haven't told anyone besides Mr. Guru and his parents. I really never thought his parents would read my blog.
I felt the same way because (1) I'm not too comfortable with my writing. English is not my first language and felt like someone will criticized my writing skills. (2)Some of my friends criticized me for writing about family matter in the public. But I feel that by writing my blogs it left up some of my frustrations. Its my way of venting out and somewhere, somehow, someone can relate on me.
Good for you! I totally understand as well! I finally posted my link on Facebook & Twitter and feared for quite awhile that I would get made fun of! I haven't noticed a thing though, plus I love my blog!
How funny! I'm the exact same way! I even went as far as changing my blog address (total pain) when I found out someone at work knew about my blog (and I sure didn't tell them). It freaked me out.
I'm completely okay w/ all of my friends/family knowing about it, but for some reason, work is just a whole other thing.
I thought I was the only one. I just told my BFF and my mom today that I had a blog.
I don't tell anyone either! Why do you think that is, that people are so secrative about their blogs?
I'm the same way! Only a few of my real life friends know about my blog!
How many of us are living "other lives" online? That is so funny. I had no idea so many people were in the "blog closet"!!!!
hahahaha... I totally hear you on this. My blog isn't a *secret* to anyone, but I certainly don't advertise it, per se. Some of my friends know about it, others don't. Or maybe they do and I don't know about it, but whatev. I probably have lurkers so I'm always careful to assume ANYONE I know might be reading. But good for you on "coming out" - haha... I might spill the beans someday. ;-)
i still haven't "come out" to many of my friends and i am paranoid that tons of people i know read and comment anonymously. i am crazy!
oooh i'm the same way! i didn't want some people reading my blog!!!
like my F-I-L for instance! he was talking about my blog during our sunday inlaw brunch!!! how awkward!!!
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