My theory is that .... alackofcaffeineismakingmeatotalemotionalandhormonalwreck!!!
Did you get that? Oh sorry. What I said was: a lack of caffeine is making me a total emotional and hormonal wreck.
Do you think that is possible?
I told ya'll that my NY Resolution was to drink only one coke per week. Let me emphasize that nothing in the whole wide world is better to me than a fully-leaded coke in a big ole styrofoam cup with crushed ice. I haven't had a sip of caffeine in 5 days! I had cravings and they have subsided for the most part. I had headaches and they too have finally subsided. But I am a basket-case (remember my post from Wednesday) and the lack of caffeine is the only variable that I can blame it on.
Am I the only one who cried (okay, sobbed) through President Bush's Farewell Address last night??!! No snide comments please and thank-you ... I might cry. haha :)
PS- I am saving my one coke for tomorrow when I go and see Bride Wars. Whoop, Whoop!
1 week ago
i totally cried. i think i started crying before he even started.
make it like the extra large plastic cup sized. haha.
Hhaha ! I totally agree *check my post for today.*
And yay for Bride Wars! I'm going tomorrow as well! It's like we have that bloggy connection. Hahaha orrr just like chick flicks a lot. :)
You weren't alone...I cried too!
It's sad to see any president leave -so you're def. not alone! I cannot go with caffeine. I've tried & it was a mess. Try tea!
Definately shed some tears! I'm happy for him though; he'll be with his devoted wife and family in his beloved Texas :)
If it makes you feel any better, my doctor told me that a new study said that caffeine is actually GOOD for you and helps "brain-power", especially in the morning! YOU DESERVE THAT COKE!
I think inauguration will make me cry...and they will not be tears of joy.
I couldn't even watch it. Honestly, I would have maybe has some kind of serious break down. So I made Adam turn it! I couldn't handle it!! Ugh!
Have fun at Bride Wars. I can't wait to see that!
And PS-"Confessions of a Shopoholic" comes out this spring. ME AND YOU!
Enjoy that coke tomorrow!!! Bride Wars is a cute movie!
Haha I'm on my third diet coke so I hear ya!
Good for you and giving up coke. It is a hard thing to do! I have been trying to give it up for a couple of years now :-) Stay strong!!!
You are so brave for limiting your coke. I have to at least have one a day! I hope you enjoy Bride Wars! I can't wait to see it!
I was sad to see him leave too... Have fun at the movies! I am going to see it tonight!
Enjoy the movie and an ice cold Coca Cola, and don't forget to turn off your cell phone :P
I cried too. I blamed it on my period. It was my affinity for George, too.
girrrrl... I'm the same way. Except I'm allowing myself Saturdays to drink a coke... or cokes, whichever I feel like. And right now I've had a headache since Sunday. Tomorrow can't come soon enough.
I had tears in my eyes too...
You're not the only one...I'll be crying a lot more when I watch the inauguration...or maybe just throwing up. Who knows?!
Ok, seriously, a fountain coke with crushed ice might be the best thing on earth. I am obsessed with it too. No worries...your not alone. I try to do the 1 coke a day thing too, but sometimes I am not successful.
I have the same reaction when I don't drink Coke! That caffeine is addictive!
I think it's totally possible! Fountain Diet Cokes are my weakness... heck, Diet Coke in general is my weakness! I'm trying to cut back too, so I only had on all day yesterday before dinner. I felt thirsty/weird all day.
Enjoy your coke tomorrow!
I cried, too! I drink a fountain Coke EVERY day and I have no idea how your doing it! Couldn't you just do "every other day" ? One a week seems like a shock to your system :)
I absolutely cried. In fact, I might cry again today about it, and absolutely again on Tuesday.
Congrats Belle! You won my giveaway at
Try drinking Green Tea- it has just enough caffeine! Bride Wars soo cute!! You will love it!
OMG I missed the speech; i went out for happy hour!!! I will try and find it on the interet.
Have fun at the movies!
I'm with Gracie Beth - the Inaguration will make me cry tears of sadness! I love Bush!
p.s. -- that last comment was about caffeine effecting your hormones :)
Totally missed the speech...but can totally vouch for the lack of caffeine causing emotional wrecks...hence the reason for my 15 cups of coffee every morning:)
Aww, sorry you're feeling all emotional!
As for lack of caffeine being the reason, that I can't comment on for sure. However, good for you for your resolve and sticking to one a week!
I for one missed the farewell speech, but would probably be crying tears of joy - sorry, you got an Obama Mama here!
Feel better and enjoy the movie!
I do indeed believe it is possible.
Ok good, I'm not the only one. I thought it was the pregnancy hormones that made me cry during his farewell speech and that I was a freak. It was a touching speech.
You aren't the only one! I was traumatized when I tried to quit...headaches, nausea, etc... That stuff is crack! not coke!
Oh, girlfriend...I completely relate. I have to say Excederin (with its modest dose of caffeine - 1st week I took 2 1st thing in the morning before the shock set in and then week 2 I took only 1 and by week 3 I was good to go!) was my sanity saver when I cut the caffeine! I actually kicked it and my beloved diet Coke for 2 years...but then, I fell hard for DC again! LOL I can only have caffeine in the mornings though because it is no longer my friend!
I am hurting right along with you. I'm an addict. I LOVE D-Coke. But ONLY from a fountain and with crushed ice. I've limited myself to 3 times a week...and I'm struggling.
Hang in there! :)
hope you enjoy your coke and the movie.. i thought it was a cute/funny movie!
i so could NOT do that! I have caffeine daily.
and i will drive 5 more miles to the next store just to get mine in a styrofoam cup!
I just found your blog. LOVE IT! And I also cried during Pres. Bush's speech.
Oh sister.. I am so sorry! And I am right there with you... I have not had coffee in 5 weeks! 5!!! I let myself have 3 cokes a week...fully loaded!
I did not see the farewell speach, wish I had recorded it though :(
I admit as well to having a crippling addiction to fountain soda! My drug of choice is Diet Pepsi & I too am detoxing! I had the stomach flu so I figured I would try to kick the habit. I am starting to fantasize @ having one-it's a problem!
I couldn't live without my coke!
btw.. cool blog, I added myself as a follower! =]
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I cried out of PURE JOY that we finally got that FUCKING IDIOT out of office. What a moron of a president!!! THANK GOD FOR OBAMA!
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