You could say we are living in the dark ages. In fact, it would be a pretty fair statement. The Beau and I don't own a lot of gadgets. Neither of us have an i-pod {gasp!} ... I know, I know, we are like the last people on planet earth. We don't have fancy phones or a Wii or any other game system for that matter. We don't have satellite radio or any sort of sound system hooked up to our television (surprisingly enough we do have a flat screen, hdtv or whatever you call it). We don't even have a digital camera any more for crying out loud ... mine broke this summer and we have yet to replace it! I am truly not complaining - these are just not things that we ask for for Christmas, birthdays, etc. We would prefer to go on a weekend getaway or a nice dinner out for our anniversary rather than buying a video camera. It's just us. And of course I would prefer jewelry or clothes or furniture if you are buying solely for me :)
Anyways, for Christmas this year the Beau's parents bought us a GPS which is awesome for me because I can't find my way out of a paper sack ... I seriously have the worst sense of direction. It's actually quite embarrassing sometimes. We haven't really been anywhere since Christmas so on our way to Atlanta this past weekend we decided to use the GPS even though we knew where we were going, we just wanted to try it out. Bad idea. Since we knew where we were going I was getting uber frustrated when it wasn't giving us the most efficient directions. Then it kept saying things like this .... turn right on to Lakewood Doctor or turn left on to Hammond Doctor. Are you kidding me!!!???!!! This is a 200 dollar NAVIGATION device and it doesn't know the difference between DRIVE and DOCTOR??? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. We were both so mad but it was also quite humorous.
So in conclusion I think that the GPS is an idiot and I am frightened to use it again ... although I am going to South Carolina later today for work and I am depending on it to get me there. Maybe I am the idiot.
1 week ago
Hahhaha....gotta love that good old technology :)
GPS frustrates the heck out of me! My cousin took hers to Asheville with us this weekend and I swear it had us driving in circles.
On another note, if you need directions to anywhere in South Carolina, I can help!
that is hilarious :) Lakewood Doctor! hehe.
I loooove my GPS. I'd probably have ended up in Switzerland a few times without it :)
Did you get my e-mail about winning my giveaway? :)
My husband has GPS in his car. Her name is Donna. She's awful. We can type in the place we want to go like let's say the sun dial in Atlanta and she will try to send us to North Carolina. It's always North Carolina with her. She's whack!
STupid GPS. I refuse to own one.
every GPS I come in contact with i give them a name. lol. The one we used in Hawaii was Martha.. and boy was she wrong a lot! haha
I also name my GPS units...We named our Carmen and another one Midge
How crazy is that??? Our GPS has the ability to talk like Austin Powers "Groovy Driving"
They definitely have their quirks (I hate hearing "recalculating" when you go through a newly constructed area), but I Love mine! Hope you make it to SC and back :-)
Too funny about the "doctor." I really need to get a GPS because I get lost everywhere I go!
I stumbled across your blog but I really love it!!!! ITs so upbeat and fun! Thanks, you have a new reader!
Haha - that is too funny! Technology is only as smart as the person who programmed it. What does that say about the programmer?
You are not alone! My husband and I do not have ipods or a wii. We just got an HDTV/flatscreen from my parents for Christmas. We never would have spent that kind of money on a TV. It was a wonderful gift and we love our TV, but my hubby could care less if we had a 12inch black and white. I am lucky that he has finally figured out how to use google. As long as google maps still works, I don't need a GPS.
Hilarious! I want a GPS, but I don't know how I'd get along with the little voice coming out of it!
No, you're not an idiot! I have OnStar in my car and I did have a trial period for the navigation component. I just let it expire and did not renew it b/c I had a similar experience but I thought it was just because of all of the new development and road construction in my area. Now that I know it's not just me, I won't worry about getting it renewed!
Haha - you should try the GPS settings that speak in different accents - if nothing else, you'll get a good laugh. I've left you something on my blog! :)
What's an ipod? Kidding. I don't own one either... it frightens me. A little.
Yeah our GPS can be a dumb A** too! But it has gotten me out of at least one LOST moment...even if it took me 10 minutes longer than it should have :)
Take back-up directions with you. It drives me crazy when the GPS says "lost reception"!
Hahaha! This totally made me laugh out loud! I've had some weird things happen with my friends and her GPS... but even when the directions are wacky and out of synch, we still yell out thank you after every direction! HAH!
haha my friend's GPS kept saying doctor as well. it also said saint instead of street. we got bored and started playing with the accents. turns out that certain accents do that. if you change the accents it should change to say drive instead of doctor (and street instead of saint).
haha i am so all about the old fashion technology!
GPS and the rest of the new technology is so overwhelming. However, I have to catch up before I need my 9 year old niece to teach me how to use my new cell phone. HA!
I am right there with you! My children set it up for me!
Ok, so hubby and I have a Tom Tom... it was perfect when we were driving around San Diego last year, but when we need to go to his reunion at a lake 3hours away, UGH!! We were driving across ponds! LITERALLY! Stupid GPS! Feel'n ya!
I'm cracking up because you should hear Katy Teck imitate the lady saying "You need to turn left onto Arden Doctor..." Hilarious.
Oh dear! I'm glad I have a good sense of direction, because there is noooo way I would be able to handle a GPS telling me to turn onto "Lakewood Doctor." Ugh.
Hopefully you'll get to South Carolina just fine. If not, at least you'll have a crazy story to tell when you get back to the office. And no matter how crazy it is, you know it won't be the craziest thing that ever happened to someone at work.
Hey...just noticed that we're neighbors {well, somewhat anyway!}. Chocolate Pink Cafe...that's where I'm getting my wedding cake from! Can't WAIT!! Aren't their desserts the best?! You said it well...heavenly! :)
Doctor! That's hilarious. I've ridden in ONE car with GPS on & I knew where I was going...but it wanted to go another way. It was so annoying I wanted to destroy it AND the driver at the time!
Haha - I can TOTALLY relate to being directionally CHALLENGED!
GPS' really are my life- savers...stupid or not. :)
Hi, I just stumbled across your blog and thought I'd say lovely blog! Keep up the good work, you are providing a great resource for ladies on the internet.
Melina :-)
The GPS rocks. I have one built into my dash and I love it. Word to the wise, turn off the little voice and just it is MUCH easier to deal with. I'm still a little confused about it confusing Drive with DOCTOR. What the hell?
Technology can be a pain, I know. I loved the girls and pearls night out. And we just saw Bride Wars. Great Movie!!! Take care and have a blessed weekend!
Hi! I found you from Nancy's blog. I love your blog!!! Hope you are well.
i often wonder how I made it in this world without a gps and my tivo.
i love GPS!!!! it's awesome!!!
btw my name is ana, i have been spying your blog, and i really like it! you can check mine out
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