Vera Bradley for boys?? Are you all aware of this? No, they don't have a line of luggage out for the men in our lives just yet, but they do have TIES. I love men's ties and I love/hate Vera Bradley. My Vera luggage is probably the best investment I have ever made because I use it all the time and it has been all over the world. I have had my same pattern (the red bandanna) for almost 7 years and it is in tip-top shape. It is a little faded and I am so sick of looking at it but it has been very good to me. I am not scared to check it at the airport, people think I am crazy but it has never been harmed. It has been thrown around at the Atlanta airport more times than I can count, it has been to the Middle East and back, New York on multiple occasions, all over Europe ... you get the picture, it is good quality stuff. The beau is mortified when I check it at the airport but who cares, right? Well, when I was in college VB was all the rage and it kind of lost its value in my mind because I couldn't go anywhere without seeing it everywhere. I just got tired of seeing it so much. But I will continue using my luggage until it rips in to shreds and then I will probably break down and buy a new set to use for the next 10 years. So anyways, I went in to a Vera Bradley store the other day just to look around and they have so many cute gift options and new accessories ... including neck ties! The beau is (on most occasions) a "preppy frat boy" and likes to dress up and agrees on most things I buy for him. He will embrace the Vineyard Vines, Southern Proper, Burberry ties that I occasionally bust out with but he will balk at some things and say they are "way too gay". If I told him I was getting him a Vera Bradley tie he would say that he would refuse to wear it ... but if I gave it to him and he saw that they are really nice-looking he would definitely wear it. Now, some of them are a little too feminine for my taste but some are delish!

I have a couple other cute finds on the radar that I will share soon! Have a good one ...
Those are so cute! :) And I love #5! Great Christmas ideas LL!
I like #5 as well! So cute.
I like #1! SUper cute!
3 or 5! Very cute!
I like #5 the best :)
I'm a HUGE fan of the Red Bandana...I've had it since my sophomore year of college...7 years, just like you!
Don't forget to enter my giveaway!
i like number 3 best!! super cute!
No. 2 is the cutest!
I have never loved Vera Bradley. In high school a bunch of older ladies carried it and then I got to college and everyone used it as a book bag. I have one duffle that is so wonderful to travel with!
I REALLY like the ties and shorts, though! I love #2 and #5 for the shorts. i would LOVE wearing those.
I vote for #5 (seems to be pretty popular)
# 3!
#1 and #2 are my favs.. i have a vera travel bag and i love it! it fits so much in it!
so i just realized that I haven't been following your blog??? how did that happen??? the problem has been respolved :) HAHA
Ooh, I didn't know that Vera made ties! I will be on the lookout for them because they would look great on my hubby. He'll wear anything I give him, and his patients LOVE it when he wears his Lilly ties!
#5 - too cute
Oh, I love Vera Bradley too. I have a tote that I use for work and refuse to get rid of it. It has held up through all the times I have thrown it around! Oh, and I love number 1 and two!!
I have the Number 4 pajama shorts...and those ties are actually pretty good-looking! Not a fan of the pink one though!
My Hank has been a prep since before he knew what prep was...don't see him in one of those Vera ties.
What fun finds, I had no idea these items existed!
I'd have to go with #2 or 5, very cute! Some of thosee ties are pretty happenin' too!
I love them but I doubt I can get my hubby to wear them LOL he is hooked on Ed Hardy; I guess the designs are more masculine hehehehe
This is fuuuunny. a)I'd never carry a Vera Bradley "purse"...not since college...but the luggage is dangerously great (ie, you can fit way more in them than your are comfortable lifting). And we traveled last weekend, with the new baggage restrictions on USAir..and my husband actually carried my Provincial Red duffel as his carry on. I was like, "nice diaper bag"
#1 - Yellow Bird is my all time fav!
for men !
that's new 2 me ..
liked the shorts ,, #5 <3
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