40 comments in justa few measley hours! I give something away and you all start crawling out the woodwork. I LOVE IT! But guess what I am going to do now? I am going to go through every single comment and add you all to my blog roll. Now that I know you are all out there I will expect to hear from you more often! Don't be shy ... you are all filled with such nifty ideas!
The blog roll thing isn't going to happen tonight though, gals. I am hittin the hay early. I am exhausted and I have a 7 hour drive ahead of me tomorrow. (sigh)
6 days ago
I thought the same thing. I'm thinking I may find something to give away just so I can get more comments on my blog :-)
On a blog called Bring the Rain, she did a giveaway yesterday also and when I was reading her blog she had almost 1500 comments on that post! I wonder what the ending number was? I was floored. I think my high number has been a whopping 6 comments.
What a fantastic blog! Great idea to do a give away :) I should do that just to comments! LOL
p.s. -- you should add that "follow-me" thing to your site... I want to follow you!
Thanks for adding me to the blogroll.
You have a great Wednesday!!
Isnt that funny! I thought about doing a give away for one of my custom photo cards...
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