I want to continue to talk about the holidays! Have any of you thought about what you are giving this year? By this time I usually have a pretty good idea of what I want to get for my mom, mil, and sil ... because buying for girls is fun! But this year I haven't seen anything that has completely wowed me. I love it when I have those "ah-ha I know what I am getting you for Christmas" moments but I have not had one of those in quite awhile. I am usually a pretty good gift-giver and like to put a lot of thought in to buying for people and for some reason I am struggling. Plus my sister-in-law has a birthday at the end of this month and my mother-in-law has one at the beginning of next month. I need some gift help, people. My sil is very cutesy, girly, preppy and so it is not that she is hard to buy for ... I just haven't found the perfect thing yet. My mil likes anything and everything and my mom owns a gift store of her own so she is really hard to buy for!

I really like both the items I got for her but it is just not going to be THE perfect gift and I really hate it when that happens. So give me some cute, fun, girl gift ideas! What is your "perfect" gift to give?
Note that I have worn out Williams-Sonoma ... my favorite gift to give used to be the soap and lotion set but I need something new. I also need to go easy on anything monogrammed :)
I love Christmas shopping - I've already started:)
I buy for lots of women (sisters, SIL, mom, MIL and nieces!)too!
I like to put together cute gift bags of sorts filled with beauty products, candles, soaps and any other cutesy girly, functional gift. I always think it is so much fun to get a bunch of stuff.
I'm excited to see what great ideas people have! I'm totally clueless on a birthday gift for my MIL (and I need something by Sunday)
OH BOY! It is only 99 days away! Golly, I haven't even started!
i love buying gifts for everyone, too. this year we've decided to draw names within my family (mom, dad, brother, husband, and me). i'll still need a gift for my mil, fil, and his grandmother.
i'm going to make a tastebook for my mother in law. she is always asking me for recipes, so i'm going to package them for her using tastebook. it's personal and they can't get tired of it!
I love Christmas!! Can't say the same thing about shopping for gifts though!! Good luck!! Also, does your mom have cute lunch boxes at her shop? I am looking for a cute one!!
I love getting/giving baskets, like movie night baskets with micro popcorn, cocoa, mugs, rental gift cards or if you know a certain movie they would like, a cozy lap blanket, maybe some slippers. Stuff like that. You could do a picnic basket with wine or champagne, a mani/pedi basket. I gave family game night baskets last year with board games, cocoa, mugs and snacks
I love that you're already planning Christmas gifts!
redenvelope.com they have really cutie stuff, and they have stuff for boys and girls, couples and babies!
I love gift shopping, especially when it's for the holidays!! BUT, I could use some serious help this year because I am drawing a blank when it comes to gifts...
I love shopping for gifts, but there are some family members definitely more difficult to buy for. A random thought, what about some cute aprons for some of the girls if they like to cook?! My Mom loves I Love Lucy, and I just happened to see a super cute apron that I'm will be getting for her :) Last year we did nicely framed pictures of our fam, the Mom's and Grandma's love them!
Have you ever given a gift certificate for a mani and pedi/spa day or one to a Bed and Breakfast? It is not a tangible gift that they will have for years but I think it is always nice to get a gift of pampering or relaxation.
One year for Mother's Day, my hubby and I and his sisters all went in on a gift certificate for his mom to stay at a B&B with her hubby. It was just a change up from our normal gifts and I think they liked it.
I love Anthropologie! We just got one a few months back. I especially love getting to wander around in there sans kids!
I try to give handmade items or homebaked goods whenever possible at Christmas. I usually choose a recipe and make up a mix of it, then put it in a pretty bag or wrap it in Christmas fabric with a nice ribbon that has instructions attached.
I am actually making a huge batch of crock pot apple butter and peach preserves tomorrow which I am going to can in half pint jars for a tutorial I am working on. I hope to find some cute little baskets or gift bags and I am going to give several people gifts of a jar of each one (school staff, neighbors, etc).
I have been working on little sewing projects throughout the year and have several hand embroidered hankies with monograms and such on them all waiting to go.
Oh lord, you mentioned Williams Sonoma. I love that store. Its like my candy store, only most of the candy I want is too expensive! LOL
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